Feedstuffs Swine Healthline

Tools for Practical Diagnosis of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae

Episode Summary

This episode of Feedstuffs Swine Healthline examines available tools for the practical diagnosis of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae.

Episode Notes

Accurate detection of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae infection in live pigs is critical for timely disease control, but it is challenging. New, practical tools that improve upon or complement existing diagnostics can make a difference. 

Our guest is Dr. Maria Pieters, a faculty member with the Veterinary Population Medicine Department and the Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory at the College of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Minnesota. A veterinarian by training, she has dedicated more than 15 years of research efforts to defining and developing areas of diagnostics, epidemiology, and control of swine Mycoplasma species, with a special interest in disease elimination. She is the principal investigator of the UMN Mycoplasma Research Laboratory and an active member of the International Organization for Mycoplasmology. 

The podcast is brought to you by Pharmgate Animal Health.